Penguincafe in Nagoya

Penguincafe in Nagoya



The Penguincafe:
I really love penguins and of course I visited the Penguin café in Nagoya!

I visited this place during my trip as World Cosplay Summit representative for Germany.
This is why I could enjoy the Penguin experience together with some German friends and my cute students.
The café is located in the Osu shopping district. As an Otaku you would say, near to Mandarake!
It is a very small shop with 2 floors.
But even it is a small cafe, a penguin sign will lead you to the right entrance. In the ground floor are some seats, the kitchen and the toilet.

The main seat area is located in the 2nd floor.

What I really loved about this shop is that you can find penguins in every corner, in every shape and size.

Penguins everywhere!
You are also allowed to take them and to put them on your lap.
They even put some really cute plush penguins on the seats and displayed some penguin books.

Even the menu is full of penguins!

The menue

I ordered the Kingpenguinplate (1.100 yen) with an extra penguin and the Penguin Café Latte (600 yen)!
It hurt to eat them ToT all the penguins were so super cute! But it was super tasty!

After eating slowly our menus (puh it was a lot!) I went down to pay my food.
In the entrance area they have a small shop with penguin merchandise.

Of course I got some penguins. *o*

I really enjoyed that experience and had a lot of fun.

The penguins there are super cute and you are allowed to take pictures everywhere.

If you like penguins please have a look and visit this awesome café!

Website: (Japanese only)

Operating hours: 12:00~20:00, Closed on Wednesday

Size: 1F-> about 6 People, 2F-> about 22 people

Budget: Lunch: ~1.000 yen, Dinner: ~2.000yen


Google Maps Generator by RegioHelden
World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 10: Day 7 Rehearsals

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 10: Day 7 Rehearsals

After we woke up and went to breakfast we finally got our Schedule for the rehearsals.

Concert hall
Block B started with the rehearsals, while Block A had their rehearsals in the afternoon/ evening.

The WCS intended to bring our props with a small transporter to the concert hall (the place where the championship was held).
The main problem was that if you use the transporter, you only have about 45 minutes to build up all your props and to be ready for the rehearsals.
Of course this was impossible for us.
It was also not allowed to be at the concert hall prior than 1 hour before your rehearsal time.

In front of the concert hall

So we were forced to build up our most time consuming prop at the Hotel and to bring it by ourselves to the concert hall.

We are very happy that Mo, Laura, iris and Patrick helped us to carry stuff. If not we would’ve never been able to carry everything to the concert hall.
We could put our stuff into the changing rooms. They were very big and had some mirrors, chairs and tables. We shared our changing room with the sweeties from Mexico, Philippines and Portugal.
Changing room (Championship day)
Our square
For our props we got a taped square with our number at the backstage area where we could build up our props and leave them there.
I could see why it wasn’t allowed to be more than 1 hour before you rehearsal starts at the location. There was just no place. Our changing rooms were much bigger than the place for the props.
We finished building up our props in time thanks to our wonderful organizers but most of the teams didn’t showed up in time or weren´t finished.

We had our rehearsal at our designated time, because we where pushed in between the other starting numbers.

We had 10 minutes to explain our prop setting, put everything up, to make our skit and to take everything from stage. Some teams managed to rehearsal their skit 2 times; we only managed it 1 time.

But because you had a second rehearsal of your block (how it will be at the finals) afterwards we could at least practiced our skit 2 times on this stage.
Our stage setting
Sadly they didn’t got all our files, although they confirmed it. The video file and the English file was missing. So we needed to get the files again on USB stick.

After all rehearsals we practiced the “introduction” of the teams, the lining up and the award ceremony.
They also explained how to move to stage and what to do if you get an award or have been chosen for the 2nd stage. Sadly they changed some things at the actual award ceremony.

During rehearsal
We needed to put our props in our changing rooms or into the lobby of the concert hall, because it wasn’t enough place to leave our props at the designated area for Block A and B at the same time.

When we put everything into the changing rooms, Patrick helped us to make our Props more stable. We had some difficulties to transport our gate, which was not really stable… I also had the problem that the handling of my umbrella fell off. But luckily we brought wood glue and a lot of other stuff for every case to the concert hall.
After repairing our props (and secured them to death XD) we went back to the Hotel, had a look at the Oasis area and had some dinner, while Patrick was grabbing the USB stick and went to the concert hall again. Thanks so much ToT.
Afterwards we could rest.