World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 9: Day 6 Free day

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 9: Day 6 Free day

Because some teams went to Tokyo and some to the special monitoring sightseeing tour we could enjoy a free day.
Practicing in the park

In the morning we went to the park and practiced and went for lunch to the penguin café with our student and our organizers Mo and Laura.

Penguin Cafe

I will make an extra blog about this café because it was just an amazing experience (at least for me).

So ill will skip the review about it here (but it was great! I loved it!!!!!).

After some shopping at Mandarake and Animate we went with team France and some other organizers (also Patrick and iris) to the Aeon mall to get some more food and to go shopping.
We bought some discounted Yukatas and I got a big fat penguin!

In the evening we went to the Pokemon park with some Alumnis and friends.

It was amazing how many people went there just to play Pokemon.
We had a lot of fun and could catch some good Pokemon.
Japan is truly the heaven of Pokemon compared to Germany.
Every few meters is a Pokemon stop and rare Pokemon are popping out everywhere.
left: In Germany, Right: In Japan

After some dinner we went with Team Italy, Team Brazil and Portugal to Karaoke and had a loooot of fun.
I liked the all you can drink service. ^_-

After not getting any schedule for the next day we went to bed and had some rest.

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 5: Day 2 Omotenashi Day

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 5: Day 2 Omotenashi Day

With Eriko chan and Yuuka chan our students.
As I mentioned in a prior post. Omotenashi is a student cooperation, consisting out of students, who supports the representatives during their stay in Nagoya in all matters.

Normally you get 1 Student per Team. Due to certain circumstances we got 2, Yuuka chan and Eriko chan.
We already told them before departing to Nagoya, what we would like to do.

Chiko really wanted to go to the Pokemon center and Onsen and I wanted to go to the Penguin cafe.

Before meeting her we practiced in the park and checked our championship stuff again.

Most of the teams went sightseeing at the Nagoya castle or shopping at some Otaku stores in Nagoya.

I guess all teams went to the Pokemon center.

At the Onsen
Onsen seemed to be like the most unusual request. In Nagoya is a very nice and big Onsen spa named “Canal Resort”. They have nice facilities and a really great outdoor area. It is actually the biggest and most famous Onsen resort in Nagoya.

Because we both love Onsen out student took us there and relaxed with us together in the really nice outdoor Onsen.

We also went to the Pokemon center and met Team South Korea.
Chiko only bought Raichus and I bought only Plinfas. <3
We have been at a Pokemon center several times before, so for us it was nothing new.

But when I went there the first time I was so overwhelmed, how many great Pokemon stuff they offer for a very reasonable price. It´s really the heaven of every Pokemon fan!

Making Okonomiyaki

In the evening we went to get some Okonomiyaki and met Team France, and the Alumnis from Denmark and Mexico.

Yuuka chan and Eriko chan also showed us how to make Okonomiyaki by ourselves. It was very interesting and a great experience.

Had fun at Nagoya