
This weekend I held my first concert in 2015 at the JapanFestival Berlin! 🙂

THANK YOU! It was such a great start into the concert year 2015! So many people came to my concert and signing session and cheered for me! I am still so overhelmed and happy! Thank you!

I am so happy to know, that so many people are supporting me! Thank you! *o*

AnimaCo and Japanfestival

AnimaCo and Japanfestival

Still one week! This weekend I am gonna sing at the last convention in 2015.
Don´t miss my last two concerts 2014 at the AnimaCo (24-26.10.2014 in Berlin, Germany).

I am going to sing at:
~> Friday 16:15 pm >Mainstage<
~> Saturday 14:00 pm >Small Stage<

Looking forward to it! *o*

I am also really looking forward to 2015! Cause I have been invited to sing at the Japanfestival in Berlin (Germany) at the 24.-25.01.2015!

On both days you can visit my concert:
~> Saturday 17:00 pm
~> Sunday 16:00 pm

After every concert you will be able to meet me at a signing session.
Don´t miss the chance to get one of the new Penguinsigningcards!

I am SO looking forward to it!
See you! 🙂

~>~>~> More informations:

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Ich wünsch Euch allen ein tolles 2013!
Ich hoffe Ihr seid genauso gut wie ich in das neue Jahr gerutscht und hattet ein tolles Fest!
Ich wünsche Euch,
viel Glück und Gesundheit im Jahr 2013!🙂 

Für mich beginnt dieses Jahr direkt in Berlin
auf dem Japanfestival!
Am Samstag den 19.01.13 um 19:00 Uhr!
Am Sonntag den 20.01.13 um 17:00 Uhr!

Schau doch auf der Nihon-Bühne mal vorbei!
Ich würde mich freuen:).

Bis dann!

Eure Shirou