European Cosplay Gathering Team Germany 2018

European Cosplay Gathering Team Germany 2018

I still cant believe it. We really became Team Germany 2018 for the European Cosplay Gathering! Although it was not planned we will be at the Japan Expo next year in France!
Everything, costume and even skit, were super rushed and we barely had time to prepare everything. So we never though we would have a chance with costumes, we needed to finish in 3 weeks…
So we never expected to get even into the top 3.
Thanks everyone for supporting us and believing in us, even we couldn’t believe in ourselves.
We will definitely give our all for the European Cosplay Gathering and are already started to gather materials and ideas.
Thanks PFAFF for this awesome sewing machines and Connichi for organizing an amazing cosplay contest. You really care about the contestants!
Thanks myCostumes for even making it possible!
Thank you for everything guys!

Connichi – 10 years Shiroku

Connichi – 10 years Shiroku

Thanks everyone for visiting my concert at the Connichi 2016!
It was a very special concert for me and I am still so happy and overwhelmed how many people visited my concert.
Thank you so much for being with me, even it was so late!

Also thanks to the technic crew, who suprised me with this wonderful present! I am such a blessed girl to have people around me, who gives their best at every concert in order to make it a success!
We are working together since 10 years.
10 years ago I never though I would still sing and that people would still come to my concerts.
Thanks everyone so much! It was such an honor for me to give my 19th anniversary concert at the Connichi!!

Concert at Connichi

Concert at Connichi

I am so happy to announce that I will sing at the Connichi in 2 weeks in Kassel (Germany)!
My concert will be at
Saturday 20:45 in the main hall!
It will be one of my special anniversary concerts and I would be happy if you would have a look. 🙂

Hope to see you there. 🙂

Connichi and Kosucon

Connichi and Kosucon

I am very happy that I am going to sing at the Connichi 2015 in Kassel (18.-20.09.2015, Germany) and also have been invited to the Kosucon in Finland (17.-18.10.2015)

For me it´s the first time in Finland, so I am super excited! I cannot wait to see all the Cosplayers and fans from Finland. *o*

Lets meet there and have a great time together! *o*

Connichi 2013 Update

Connichi 2013 Update

Die Con rückt immer näher:) Nur noch eine Nacht und die Connichi ist im vollem Gange.
Daher die letzten Updates, bevor es ab nach Kassel geht.

Denkt dran vorbeizuschauen ^_-
Concert => Sonntag 14:30 Uhr im großem Saal

Außerdem werde ich eine kleine Signierstunde am
Samstag um 15:30 Uhr im Autogrammraum 2
mit CD-Verkauf geben.

Über Besucher würde ich mich sehr sehr freuen.^^

Leider ist es aus Sicherheitstechnischen Gründen nicht möglich am GO-Stand nach dem Konzert eine Signierstunde abzuhalten.
Daher wurde die Signierstunde seitens der Connichi auf Samstag verlegt.

Wir sehen uns da! 🙂
